Motivation and Institution building (Group Formation)


From 1987, VOSD has been performing the following activities to organize groups of the targeted people and to unite them into saving groups and provide life oriented education to develop their livelihoods, capacity building and life improvement. The main goal of the organization is to organize rural and urban poor people, motivate, educate, aware and organize them, because most of the targeted people are illiterate and have been suffering from civics inertia, who should be made socially conscious and active for their own family development through their professional skills development and involving in small income generating activities and also raising own capital. So, the targeted people are identified and motivated for understanding the goal and objectives of the organization. When they become self-motivated and felt need of organizing, the staff organized them into small groups and inter-group structure for their empowerment, socio-economic development and participation in policy decision making processes. These groups are the main wheels of all program implementations. These groups are formed considering the age, economic condition, literacy situation, caste, sex, etc. Each group includes 15 to 30 members and each group has one Chairperson, one Secretary and one Cashier, who are elected or selected by the members to run and lead the group activities.