Food Security Program


VOSD has been working mainly for the very poor and vulnerable women, children and disables of the rural areas to improve their lives. They are so much poor that they are living in miseries and painful conditions. Even they are the victims of exploitation, deprivation, dominations, superstitions, social barriers etc. due to high poverty and have become the victim of trafficking, violence, torturing, etc. VOSD has been implementing VGD programs for the vulnerable women groups in the rural areas of Bangladesh. Poverty is the main problem of our country. It is hard to get two meals a day for most of the ultra-poor families of our country. The government of Bangladesh has put forward several projects for the improvement of the ultra-poor families ensuring their food securities and socio-economic improvement. Under the Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) programs the ultra-poor and distressed women will be served food aids for the food security and also encourage them in saving for the improvement of their socio-economic conditions.

VOSD has been implementing VGD-NNP programs at 260 Unions of 32 Upazilas with the help of Ministry of Women Affairs. A total of 35,393 VGD card holders are under this program who are directly benefited by this program. Under this program the vulnerable groups will get food security and also increase their family’s knowledge on social awareness, training on IGAs, etc. They are also trained on vegetable gardening, poultry rearing, livestock rearing, fish culture and SME businesses, etc. VOSD has also been implementing VGD program supported by Ministry of Women Affairs and has been providing different kinds of training to 7850 VGD women in Nalchity, Rajapur ,Kathalia, Muladi Upazillas and Barisal Sadar and after training VOSD has been providing credit supports for undertaking small income generating activities, which will create employment and income earning opportunities for them and they shall have not depend on others.

Homestead Gardening and Poultry Rearing


VOSD   has   been   implementing   homestead   gardening   and   poultry   rearing activities for the poor families for their family food security. At the present, the food crisis has become much more and the poor people do not get the available food  for  their  consumption.  For  the  food  security,  VOSD  initiatives  are  to establish homestead gardening at the backyard of households from where the family get their nutritional support. Poultry rearing is another very beneficial side to get protein support for their family too. So, homestead gardening and poultry rearing can provide nutritional and protein support to families. So far VOSD has developed 14521 homestead gardens and 5470 poultry farms among the  poor  beneficiaries  through  providing  micro-credit  supports,  from  where, they are getting their regular consumptions and also earning some money through selling their productions. VOSD has been provided necessary orientation and training before staring the activities. It has also created employment and income earning opportunities for them.